Feminism and Fat Women: Do Not Feel Sorry for You
Are You The Dating Weatherman?
Body Language: 5 Common Mistakes to Fix
Guys With Dating Game Don’t Lie
Why Regardless Is A Powerful Word
Is your best friend dating a douchebag?
Her attitude after 30 will become one of anger, resentment, impatience and whatever the female version of misogyny is…basically her malevolence will become more pronounced, her hatred of all mankind more pronounced and overt. And when she does blow up at men for being “bastards”…other women in a similar age range will coo in her defence…”you go girl…”
Misandry is the female version of misogyny. It is telling that the word misandry is never mentioned in the media.
The married ones will be smug about it though… An unmarried women is as great a failure as a male 40 year old virgin… Don’t lose site of the fact that women are competing the most with other women, all the time, friend or family it matters not. From this dynamic, ostensibly a flaw, great game can be wrought.